Spent the first part of the morning with other candidates at the Midlands Polish Community Center in Walsall. The audience were from across the West Midlands and many related stories of poor police response.
It was clear that changes were needed to provide a better policing service and improve the relationship between the police and polish community.
Many thanks to Elizabeth and Agata for organising the event and acting as interpreters. A great skill which was performed to perfection.
It was clear that changes were needed to provide a better policing service and improve the relationship between the police and polish community.
Many thanks to Elizabeth and Agata for organising the event and acting as interpreters. A great skill which was performed to perfection.

Next stop Carrs Lane Church to speak to Pensioners and hand out leaflets. They were polite but very annoyed about the lack of information regarding the election

Then to Sangat TV which aims to share and promote Ekta (social and community cohesion) through the universal message of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Our charming host Gurdail Singh Atwal asked a series of questions and tried to promote a speedy response from the candidates who talked around the question. That is except for me who was clear and direct about my intentions whilst PCC.
Many thanks to Team Sangat for raising the profile of the elections and engaging the Sikh community.
Our charming host Gurdail Singh Atwal asked a series of questions and tried to promote a speedy response from the candidates who talked around the question. That is except for me who was clear and direct about my intentions whilst PCC.
Many thanks to Team Sangat for raising the profile of the elections and engaging the Sikh community.

Final job of the day to chauffeur an elderly lady to her local church where I handed out some leaflets then headed home to tea cooked by my lovely husband.