I will use my policing experience and in-depth knowledge to help you identify and resolve your policing problems. There are many different ways to reduce crime in the short term including a more inclusive approach to crime prevention with you all being more active to take care of your property, yourselves and other people.
In addition I intend to develop longer term solutions to maintain or develop new reduction and prevention strategies in conjunction with Community Safety Partnerships, Health and Wellbeing Boards and other agencies. Tackling alcohol and substance misuse will remain an integral part of a prevention and reduction strategy.
I expect to see more serious forms of criminality dealt with through robust policing, and warn persistent criminals to invest in plastic hinges on their doors as their most regular visitors will be police officers.
I will:
- Review the numbers and availability of police resources to provide the appropriate service in the right place at the right time
- Examine the crime recording process to ensure it works for public and not Government performance targets
- Respond to the concerns of our business communities
- Work with the police and other agencies to coordinate robust activities to make life extremely difficult for criminals and those who blight communities.
- Work in partnership with other agencies and groups to provide support and assistance for those individuals who wish to avoid or leave their criminal endeavours
Website designed by Paul Compton, The Leadership Emporium. Promoted by Cath Hannon Box. 542, 27 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2EW